Sunday, August 24, 2014

[Vid/Instagram/Tweet] Nicole Does ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, Nominates Fans

Hello this is Nicole. I'm glad to be able to participate in the ice bucket challenge. Since my korean is lacking I write this instead. Please give interest to the ALS campaign for the patient! the people that i challenge are! 1)@RyuJinA0523 2)@Lupin_kmn 3)@_770502

Translated by yooniqda_
She nominated 3 lucky fans ;) !


  1. she is so cute as always..

  2. Aww so cute..and damn how'd them fans get nominated?!..also on a thing that irks me bout nicole is that she has no confidence in her korean..I really wish she would stop thinking like that cause she improved so much (watch sgb) and not only that it's part of her uniqueness and charms sigh

  3. I can't stop laughing at her expression and initial reaction even before the bucket came over her head... hahaha... lucky random fans. I thought it were people she followed but nope.

    1. I think those fans are admins of her fan sites. I know one of them on twitter and she met Nicole a few times, writes at Cole time almost every day and so on (: Already saw 2 of them do the challenge^^
